I’m Getting A Divorce.

powered by Sounder

I never thought this would happen to me.

I never understood, truthfully, what people were going through when this happened to them.

In one instant my identity changed.

In one instant the trajectory of my life swerved off course.

And now I have the opportunity to create my life anew.

The sharing of this event, this process, is about my perception of what happened (what is happening) to me, the

meaning I'm constantly ascribing to this event, and the day to day decisions I'm making.

I have decided that I'm not going to allow what happened to destroy me, but rather I'm looking at it as an opportunity to move forward with inspiration.

Is it hard? Of course it is. It sucks, quite honestly.

Is it challenging? Of course it is.

But I'm moving forward.

Join me at: http://therightnowproject.com/


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