I’ve Got Lists and Lists and Lists.

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I've always been someone who likes creating lists like "to do" lists. 

However, in the wake of all this going on I find myself making more lists. 

I've got lists on books I need to read specifically related to "life after divorce."

I've got "getting back into my art" lists. 

And on and on and on. 

I think the point I want to make here is this: We all have our own process about how we move through experiences like this. 

I find myself looking over one list and then feel like I'm neglecting this other list over here which has to be more important. 

For me the hard part has been trying to stay positive and strong. 

One step in front of the other. 

Just breathe. 

I keep telling myself these things. 


Sadness. Nope.


Am I Doing It Right?