Can I Trust My Gut?
I think that a lot of us, when we're going through something like I'm going through right now (meaning, a divorce), receive support from many different directions.
Then we have to wade through those bits of information, the advice and suggestions and thoughts about how others feel you should be acting or reacting or responding.
And yes, most times people mean well. They're offering advice with the best of intentions.
It's been making me wonder, though, whether I'm healing "right." Whehter I'm doing it the "right" way?
I wonder if I'm missing something?
Or if I'm going to screw it up and make a "wrong" decision?
And then when all the dust settles on that idea, I'm left with this realization: I've got to trust my gut.
That realization gives me a bit of grounding.
Still, it's a bit like walking out on a tightrope in a weird way, I will say that.
I have to rely on me.
On my heart.
On my gut.