Kelly Smyth-Dent, LCSW. Refugee Trauma and The Healing Journey

“My mission is to empower people to live the life they deeply desire.”

 As a therapist, Kelly has seen that people desire to live a life that is filled with connection, balance and purpose. It is her belief that oftentimes, our upbringings, family dynamics, relationships, or trauma experiences can get in the way of having fulfilling relationships with ourselves and others. Most people struggle with fear, anxiety, depression, relationship issues, traumas or more; everybody struggles with something. Kelly believes that it's not necessarily always the struggle that is unbearable, but sometimes the feeling of going through it alone.

​In her therapy practice, Kelly specializes in working with trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). She has been trained in social work, trauma-informed care, and Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR). She spent many years working with immigrant and refugee populations from various countries and cultures. She speaks Spanish and offers EMDR-based individual and group interventions all over the world through her business, Scaling Up.

 In This Episode


Jeanna Gomez. The Moment Somatic Experiencing Made Complete Sense


Jennifer Hobbs. Author. Veteran. Teacher