Trauma as Medicine with Sarah Salter Kelly

Sarah Salter Kelly is the author of the book, Trauma as Medicine, in which she shares her experience of her mother’s brutal kidnapping and homicide as a template to support others in moving into the underworld territory of trauma. 

 She offers foundational teachings to guide individuals in trusting that not only do they have the right life experiences, they also have the resources within themselves to address them and transform them. 

 Years of  training in spiritual healing and personal growth, as well as a focus on earth based traditions, enable Sarah to present a guide to freedom, compassion and authentic forgiveness. She provides a path in the very life lessons which lie before us: those found at the heart of our trauma. 

 In This Episode


Psychedelics In The Treatment of Trauma with Sasha Cuff


Recovering from chronic stress and trauma with Dr. Cameron Froude