The Great Unravelling. A life with DID with Holly and Dylan Crumpler

Holly and Dylan Crumpler are a mother-son team of enthusiastic advocates working to reduce the stigma associated with Dissociative Identity Disorder. Given that D.I.D. has historically been depicted in a very inaccurate, sensationalized, and negative way in film and television, Dylan envisioned and created his senior thesis film, Petals of a Rose, at Chapman University to realistically depict a day in the life of a woman with D.I.D. He co-wrote the screenplay with his mother, Holly, who was diagnosed with D.I.D. in 2018 at the age of 51.

Petals of a Rose has received international acclaim, and Dylan and Holly have gone on to share the film at numerous mental health conferences and educational events. The film is being used by clinicians in training sessions, college courses, and therapeutic settings. Given the incredibly positive reception the film has received, Dylan and Holly have begun development of a longer film/series expanding on Rose’s story.

In This Episode


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