The Focus is Each other with Lauren Duke

Get ready for this episode! Lauren Dollie Duke is a force within the yoga, trauma and healing community. She’s a writer, educator, entrepreneur, and community activist. She’s taught thousands of yoga students over the last 15 years, led dozens of international retreats, and continues to push the edge between yoga, mental health, and trauma. 

 She founded a one-of-a-kind community center and yoga studio in Encinitas, California. In a sea of corporate yoga, where most independent studios don't survive, she created a thriving community, teaching and hosting a variety of sold-out yoga classes, educational seminars, and writing workshops. She devotes her time to helping educate people on the anatomy of trauma and how those experiences are woven into the tapestry of our lives. She has studied with the world’s leading traumatologists: Bessel van der Kolk, Peter A. Levine, Gabor Mate, and Stephen Porges. Lauren's book, Sh!thouse: A Memoir, was published in January, 2022! You can purchase it through any major book retailer.

In This Episode

New From The Trauma Therapist Podcast


The Cadence for Connection with Marti Smith


How The Unconscious Heals Trauma with Dr. Melanie Salmon