Robin Shapiro
Robin Shapiro, LICSW, loves her work which includes writing, presenting on the topics of ego states, EMDR, suicide prevention; doing clinical consultation; and thirty-five years of psychotherapy practice, especially around issues of trauma, anxiety, and attachment.Robin edited and contributed to EMDR Solutions: Pathways to Healing (Norton, 2005), EMDR Solutions II: Depression, Eating Disorders, Performance & More (2009) and wrote Trauma Treatments Handbook (2010), as well as Easy Ego State Interventions (2016). Her newest project is gathering connections on-line and in the world to work towards the prevention of child abuse, especially sexual abuse.
The Quote
I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy.Rabindranath Tagore
What Led to the Specialization of Trauma?
Robin talks about her ethnic background and the influence that had on her career and the specialty of trauma.
A Crucial Early Mistake
Robin talks about an experience she had as a young therapist working with a client who had dissociative identity disorder and the error she made that she wants you to know about so that you can avoid it.
Robin’s Why
Nothing is more fun than connecting with people and watching them grow!
Robin’s advice
Get the EMDR training!
Learn about ego-state work!
Be able to tolerate your own affect because you’re going to feel stuff when you’re working with people so you can help your clients.
Do not do this stuff alone! Find a consultant.
Robin’s go-to books
Interview Links
EMDR Solutions: Pathways to Healing, Robin Shapiro
EMDR Solutions II: For Depression, Eating Disorders, Performance, and More (Norton Professional Books (Hardcover), Robin Shapiro
The Trauma Treatment Handbook: Protocols Across the Spectrum (Norton Professional Books (Hardcover), Robin Shapiro
Easy Ego State Interventions: Strategies for Working With Parts, Robin Shapiro