Healing Mental Illness Through Education with Pernille Yilmam, PhD

Pernille is the founder of Mind Blossom which strives to prevent and combat mental illness through education and fostering community support. Mind Blossom envisions a world where mental health education is integrated into all community centers, schools, and companies with the aim to prevent and reduce mental illness. Mind Blossom integrates humanity with science by using mental health education, an evidence-based method, to empower people’s understanding of their own and others’ physical and mental wellbeing.

As a blue collar daughter, Pernille defeated the odds by being a first-generation college and PhD graduate. She moved across the world to pursue neuroscience at the best research universities in the world, and left little undone in her pursuit of knowledge. Because of her determination, she can now call herself an award-winning scientist. Through this scientific journey she could also, finally, start her own trauma healing process. As she mastered the skills of a researcher, she realized that communication and self-insight were cornerstones of not only her professional success but also her personal wellbeing. Pernille realized that her drive for research was rooted in people’s mental health. She now focuses her energy on helping people thrive.

In This Episode


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Healing is no joke.


Start By Believing with Laura Regan, LCSW-C