Eating Disorders and The Underlying Trauma with Ilene Smith

I believe…

that 80% of mental health issues are the result of unresolved trauma trapped in the body. I believe that everyone has the potential to heal. I believe that when an individual can find safety in themselves, they develop a more meaningful relationship with themselves and with others.

A world with less trauma…

is a world with more connection. It is a world in which each interaction is more meaningful and vital. A world with less trauma is a world with more freedom.

Ilene is a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (SEP) and completed a 3-year training with the Somatic Experiencing Institute founded by Peter Levine. She is a Certified Professional Coach (CPC) through the GROW Training Institute, Inc. and holds a Master’s degree in Mental Health Counseling and a Masters degree in Exercise Physiology.  Ilene has passed the National Clinical Mental Health Counseling Examination (NCMHCE) qualifying her for licensure in Arizona.

Ilene’s work is rooted in the principles of Somatic Experiencing (SE) and attachment theory. Her training in trauma healing provides the foundation to help clients resolve trauma symptoms and relieve chronic stress and pain in the body.

In This Episode

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