Disembodied Eating with Michelle Cleary

Michelle Cleary (she/her) is a licensed psychotherapist who is trained in EMDR, holds a certificate in Somatic Experiencing™ (SE), assists at SE trainings throughout the year, is a former adjunct professor for SUNY Stony Brook, School of Social Welfare, and maintains a full time private practice that focuses on treating trauma and eating disorders. Why? Why so much learning and work?

Well, because after decades of her own life saving, nurturing therapy, Michelle still struggled with strong eating disorder behaviors, regular bouts of depression, mood shifts, anxiety, and overwhelm. These challenging experiences were interspersed during a time when she was also succeeding, building healthy relationships, learning, and creating. Michelle was happier and healthier than ever but was STILL living with a lot of challenging experiences.

Michelle is now dedicated to discovering, understanding, and teaching others the way our nervous system and brain-body development contributes to our moods, behaviors, relationships, mental health, and productivity.

In This Episode


What’s new with The Trauma Therapist Project!


Transforming Couples Therapy with David Mars, PhD


The Way is Through The Wound with K.J. Ramsey