A Year Without a Man with Barbara Dehart and Gayle Long

Gayle Long and Barbara Dehart are the co-authors of A Year Without a Man: A Transformational Journey which follows two women’s explorations, failures, and lessons learned through moments of clarity and confidence, relapses and lows, joys and heartbreak, and ultimately, healing. It’s the discovery that only through intentional commitment to live authentically can one begin to find themselves and see their life change forever.

Gayle Long is a licensed marriage and family therapist and runs The Empowerment Center, where she provides psychotherapy, coaching, and mediation services. Gayle’s specialty is working as a women’s divorce transition coach, helping women conquer their fears of being alone and empowering them to stand confidently on their own two feet.

Barbara Dehart is a media and technology executive. She often speaks at women's events and facilitates workshops on women's empowerment, organizational and personal transitions, and creativity.

In This Episode


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