with Guy Macpherson, PhD

Next Boot Camp.

Friday, November 15th, 12-1:30pm PST

Start your podcast and watch what happens:

  • Begin generating interest about you and your work!

  • Start creating audio and video content for yourself and your guests to share!

  • Start creating an incredible network of colleagues and professionals!

  • Start generating referrals for your business.

  • Begin establishing yourself as a thought leader in your field of interest!

The Trauma Therapist Podcast, a leading podcast in the educational and self help categories, consistently voted as one of the top Mental Health Podcasts, and recently in 2023 here and here, and again in 2024.

Is This for You?

This mini-workshop is for anyone interested in learning what it takes to get a (successful!) podcast up and running and to continue going!

About this boot camp:

This is a live, 1 1/2 hour, Zoom video mini-workshop.

Over the last several years I've been able to create a pretty successful, rewarding and fulfilling podcast.

It's what I've built my business around and I love it.

In this 1 1/2 hour boot camp I'll give you a whirlwind tour of everything I've done to:

  • conceive

  • market

  • monetize

  • manage and learn about the tech stuff

  • remain sane while producing one of the top mental health podcasts out there.

If you're thinking of creating your very own podcast, my goal is that you'll come away from this informed and inspired!

*And most importantly, I’ll give you the tools to discover how to create your own podcast, built around your strengths, talents, skills and your passions. In other words, how to create a unique podcast which will attract listeners and guests.

Can’t stay for the entire time?

Don’t worry, you’ll have lifetime access to the video recordings.

Cost: $97.00

What previous workshop participants have to say!

Indira Safaddid-Bertarioni

Lou Lebentz

Just a few of the workshop participants who have launched! 

About Guy

My name is Guy Macpherson, PhD. I founded The Trauma Therapist Project with the goal of raising the awareness of trauma. I started the podcast to interview incredible people who’ve dedicated their lives to helping those who’ve been impacted by trauma.

When I began the podcast I knew nothing about podcasting. What I did have however was a passion for helping get the word out about how prevalent trauma was and still is.

Over these past few years I’ve been able to grow The Trauma Therapist Podcast to one that receives over 200K downloads per month!

That puts the podcast in the top 0.5% of all podcasts.

Pretty crazy.

And, as you may know, I’ve been able to attract a breadth of interesting guests, from a variety of backgrounds, as well as attract–and keep–sponsors!

This is what I do. It's how I make my living.